Though Kendeda is stepping off the philanthropic path, we know our
grantee partners and a majority of fellow funders are not. We are
grateful to all whose sights remain fixed on a future where justice,
equity and peace ascend. In service of everyone continuing after we
depart, our staff developed a series of six reports in conjunction with
the communities of practice that supported us for so many years. In some
cases, we held those conversations with collectives; in others,
one-on-one. For all six, we leaned on external facilitators and writers
from different areas like academia, journalism and evaluation to gain
additional perspectives.
We hope peers, friends and allies alike will receive these humble
offerings and use them to navigate the road ahead. They are meant to
honor the uniqueness and creativity of our partners. They are rich with
ideas and inspiration. And they represent our last opportunity to
amplify the voices, ideas and wishes of partners we love.